Monday, December 19, 2022

Churches closed on Christmas Sunday?

I know, it sounds a bit odd doesn't it. Christmas is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus, and occasionally it falls on a Sunday, so why would churches be closed on this day? 

I now know of five different churches, in three states, that will not have a live service but will have an on-line stream. The church I attend is one of them. I was asked my feelings on this, and while I really don't like being with people in general, there is this scripture that says not to forsake the gathering together. 

Something happens when people fellowship together. The whole is certainly greater than the parts. 

I have attended several different churches in the last 30ish years. Two of them had a Christmas morning service no matter what day it was. One church was "come as you are". My kids would wear pajamas. In most cases, the message consisted of reading some part of the Christmas story. One that I remember, it was the year that Vicki and I were married, actually a week before. The message was, that while Christmas is a holiday, that pretty much stops at the kitchen door. And as Christ came as a servant, should we be visitors to someones home, consider their labors and offer to help. 

This year though, compared to 38 years ago, is different because of internet. So while churches are not going to be open, there will be an on-line service. Seems sanitized and impersonal. 

I think about places around the world where people must gather in houses secretly or face persecution, and here in the US, where we still have this freedom, the choice is to not gather.

And this causes another problem for me personally. Two years ago, when the covid scam began, churches and businesses all closed down. I knew deep inside that it was all fake, that the church should not close but it did. I also made a decision later that year, that as long as I have a key, the church will be open on Sunday morning. So although there is not a scheduled service, I will be there from 10:00 - 11:00ish. I will have some old worship music on, maybe Ron Kenoly or Carman, and if anyone wants to come by and discuss what Christmas is all about, I'll be there.

Monday, November 28, 2022

The world is changing quickly

I have heard it said before, not sure if it was simply a statement or some obscure quote, that centuries can pass when nothing momentous happens, then in a few short years, events happen that change the world. We are living in one of those times now. I have heard some say that this is the best time to be alive. Maybe if I actually enjoyed living I might feel that way, but that's a different story. 

There are so many things going on, and if one takes the time to really look, they are all  connected. One of my biggest frustrations is knowing people who are oblivious and do not care. 

I think the most exciting thing is the fact that evil empires are collapsing, but at the same time, people in the US seem to believe that the governments being removed, the evil forms they hold, like communism, are attractive. People are stupid. In China the people are revolting. This is the biggest uprising since Tiananmen Square in 1989. I anticipate a large military action soon, and it will either be the end of the CCP or there will be a mass slaughter of Chinese people. I suspect we will see the latter. And our wimp assed administration will do nothing. 

In the past year and a half or so we have seen governments all across the globe fail. In Burma, or Myanmar, the people and military revolted over a corrupt election. Right now in Brazil there have been constant protests for nearly a month because of a corrupt election. In France there were riots and protests by the "Yellow Shirts" against the draconian plandemic policies. We had the truck convoys both in Canada and the US. Interesting that in the Canadian situation we saw the face of evil. While the truckers were holding prayer vigils, having bar-b-ques, and playing street hockey, Castro/Trudeau sent jack booted thugs to assault and harass the protesters. He also froze their assets and stole money. 

In Great Britain they have had three different prime ministers this year, and their economy has essentially collapsed. The EU is about to fall apart. Italy is now ruled by a conservative, and will probably leave the EU next year. 

The US is fighting a proxy war in Ukraine, and the media is blaming everything on Russia. I believe that's wrong. I have seen enough evidence to know that the Ukraine government is totally corrupt, nearly as bad as the US government. Which is fitting since it was the Obama administration that staged the color revolution in 2014 which overthrew the legitimate government, and installed their puppet. Information has come out from Russian troops and intelligence showing sex and organ trafficking. There are some significant connections between Ukraine and a lot of US career politicians, on all sides. 

Sad but most people that I know believe the propaganda that it's all Russia's fault. 

Global economies are all on the edge of collapse, most countries use "fiat" currencies. They have no real value, simply what each government says what they are worth. The problem arises when other countries no longer want some other country's money. That is coming to the US dollar very soon. The dollar has only held value since 1972 because the world had to use it to buy oil. But today, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have created their own currency, and they are using that to buy and sell oil. The only reason that the dollar has any value today is because several large countries are still holding dollars. When they dump them, which they will, the value of the dollar will inflate, or deflate, depending on how one looks at it, and it will not be worth the paper it's printed on. 

Along with the monetary collapse is the sexual perversions. In the last couple of years there has been a huge push towards re-gendering. And attempts to normalize pedophilia. Some university professor(s) are saying that it's actually normal behavior and that they should be called MAPS, minor attracted persons. Or the normalization of drag queens. There was a time, no that long ago, when we recognized this as a form of mental illness. It still is. No other animal has a problem figuring out their gender.

I'd really like to say that I have hope, but as things have gone the past few years I have a hard time hoping. People need to wake up but even those that I know who have seen the truth, don't accept it. And so many others simply don't care. I am amazed at how many people will waste a couple of hours watching garbage on TV but will not spend 20-30 minutes watching some factual podcast on Rumble. 

God said in His word, My people perish for lack of knowledge. But I think it should be My people perish for apathy. 

If anyone is interested in some facts, this is a good resource.  

Time to Free America

Saturday, October 8, 2022

It's time to fight back!

 1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 

...  8(b)a time for war, and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3

Make no mistake, the entire world today is at war. In some places it is kinetic, in some places it is economic, and in most places it is psychological. But war nonetheless. And the objective is to control the people of the planet.

Will you stand by passively and let them win?

What is the responsibility of the church concerning current events? 

Does the church have any responsibility in public affairs? 

Should they be involved in politics?

For as long as I have been attending church, for the most part, with very few exceptions, the church has skirted the idea of political involvement. In fact, with the exceptions of public outreach programs, (which I feel do little actual help), the church is almost isolated. 

The message, by and large, is read your bible and pray. That's not enough!

Lance Wallnau discusses the seven mountains of influence. He promotes a seven mountain ministry. I don't know if Lance coined the term but I believe it is accurate.

Those mountains are; 

1. Media 

2. Government

3. Education

4. Family

5. Religion

6. Arts and entertainment

7. Business

In every one of these areas, the church should have a voice, and the voice needs to be loud.

Corporate media is owned by pagans (I consider any non Christian or Jew to be a Pagan).

Government is owned by Pagans, which is why government really cares not for the people but for government.

The family has been attacked by the other institutions and the church has done a miserable job to defend it.

The public education system, and to an even greater extent, colleges are totally owned by Pagans. It has been said, many times, if you have children in the public schools, you need to act like the building is on fire and get them out. And I agree, but the reason the schools are in this state is because the church failed.

Is there any doubt that the arts are owned by Pagans?

So what is the answer? It's really quite simple, the church needs to be involved in all of these areas. And more to the point, the church needs to have a major and if possible a controlling voice in the administration of these areas.

For as long as I can remember, I don't believe I have ever heard a sermon concerning elections or government policies. Again the message is read the bible and pray.

There is a time for that but there is also a time to get involved. In fact the time to be involved is past and we have a long way to catch up.

The irregularities of the 2020 election, and the government over reach during the COVID attack, revealed much to the public. Parents became aware of the filth being promoted in schools. And thankfully many are getting involved. 

I have come to realize that the majority of Christians that I know have never read the Old Testament, and few pastors preach or teach from it. With exceptions of stories from Daniel, like Rack Shack and Bennie, or how Moses parted the red sea. But what about the book of The Judges? Why did Israel have judges? And what is the most common verse in the book? Here is a paraphrase, And the people did what was evil in the sight of The Lord. 

That pretty much sums up the condition of the world. 

Maybe as individuals we are not doing evil, but there is also a scripture that routinely bites me in the ass, it's James 4:17; He who knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin. Yeah that one will burn most of us.

I also think there is a responsibility to be certain that what we are being told is accurate.

How many people actually "fact check" stories? There are a lot of internet legends passing around, and if one simply does a search for the name or topic, one can find that it is not true.  

The term "Fake News" began about seven years ago. It was initially criticized but today the accuracy of this statement cannot be denied. It is a proven fact that main stream news media will edit conversations, and skew a report in order to push a specific belief. There are fortunately today alternate news sources. And with the powerful Internet, one can actually see first hand video coming from nearly anywhere in the world. A case in point, as the world recently has been cheering for Ukraine over Russia, (which in reality should be reversed) there are people in Ukraine posting videos on Telegram thanking Russia for liberating them.

And while I am on the Ukraine thing. Putin initially stated his reason for entering was because of the Nazis and the US funded bio-labs. To which our government denied, then about a week or so later admitted there were in fact 30 or so labs. And while the statement was made that the labs were not doing weapon research, there was a concern that what was in the labs could be used as a weapon. Why does no-one seem to care about this? Why are so many people still in favor of sending more money over there? And so much information on the Azov battalion being Nazis cannot be denied.

Universities have pretty much stopped delivering any viable product, at a very high cost. The reality is that many tradespeople can make a better living without college. And the cost is unreal. Yet Christians still send their children to Pagan indoctrination camps. There are a lot of studies, and I hate statistics, I do however have some first hand knowledge. The Christians that I have known, who went to secular universities, returned with little to no faith. They still had a label of Christian, but also supported liberal secular ideals. If one cannot see how killing babies is antithetical to being a Christian, or has some strange belief that there are more than two sexes, or that God made you the wrong sex, then you have a problem.

So there is a call for action. Actually right now there are several calls. Clay Clark and General Mike Flynn have been touring the country with a Re-Awaken America tour. It's a modern day revival. And their's is not the only one. Mario Marillo and Lance Wallnau are also touring. Along with some others. What I also find curious is how most of the organized church is oblivious to this. At the last Re-Awaken event, with over two thousand in attendance, there were more than 200 baptisms. And this occurs at all of the events. Yet the organized church is silent. What they are doing, Clay and General Flynn, is what the church should have been doing all along. At a typical event, they begin with praise and worship, there is some scriptural message, then there is a deluge of social issues. From different presenters. They extend in all of the 7 mountains, and along with this information, there are some ideas of what we the people can do.

If you are not familiar, or would like to learn more, go to .

The family was the first institution established by God, is it any wonder why the evil forces want to destroy it so badly? The destruction began by removing fathers from poor and minority homes. They did this through welfare programs. Remember that the lust for money, or stuff, is the root of all evil. Then promoting single parent homes, and now by sowing discord between children and parents. Do you know that in many schools, teachers encourage students to keep secrets from their parents? And in many cases, try to convince children that their parents are not seeking their best interests. 

Repairing society begins with families. Which will be one of the hardest areas. We all have family members that are difficult. Remember the difficult family member believes that you are the difficult one.

One of the easier areas is media. Just turn off the filth. I don't call for boycotts, most times they are short lived and accomplish little. But stop watching filth. And stop watching professional spots. Did you know that the Communist Chinese Party owns a portion of most US sports? NBA, NFL, MLB. This is an entity that has sworn to destroy the US, and we the people continue to send them money to do so. 

This is a bit longer than I had planned so I will end here. General Flynn preaches that local action has national impact. And he is right. To fix the country we need to begin locally. The family and home, the school boards, (which is an area where I am somewhat encouraged. Recently some of the worst and most liberal school boards were flipped to patriotic conservative majorities. PRAISE GOD!) City councils, state governments and then national. On a local level be involved. GO VOTE. But the key here is GO. There has been lot of issues with absentee voting, that does not happen with in-person voting. And a recommendation was given that if you receive a mail-in ballot, do not open it, take it with you when you vote and if the election worker claims that you already voted by mail, call the sheriff, not local police, the sheriff has constitutional authority. File a claim of identity theft and election fraud immediately so it can be documented. 

If you have the desire to get involved in local elections, this is a good place to start.

And yes still pray, but when you are done praying, go do something.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The greatest revival

While this world is falling apart, still, there are some things that I find encouraging.

One must understand that every struggle is not simply between men, but there are indeed spirits of good and evil. Far too many people cannot accept this or recognize which side is which. I do believe that things globally will likely get worse. In many cases, men must experience failure. Must look directly into despair in order to reach the realization that man cannot solve his own problems. When these things happen, and examples can be found in history, then the hearts of man are turned to their creator and the Spirit of God begins to move. As we consider how bad things are today, let's take a look at some history. 

In 1700, England was considered to be a spiritual moral cesspool. The theater was all about sex, and at that time it was live acts. In many locations, the theater was flanked by pubs and brothels. One could go to the theater and become stimulated, then leave and indulge themselves. 

Sir William Blackstone visited the church of every major clergyman in London, In most sermons, he could not tell if the preacher was a follower of Confucius, Mohammed, or Christ.

But in the 1720's revival spread through Europe and crossed the Atlantic to reach America. But it did not begin in the churches. In fact, many clergy was so corrupted by the "system" that they refused to allow revival preachers such as Welsey and Whitefield to preach in their church. Revival broke out in fields, and in one story a revival broke out in a graveyard attached to a church. Seems fitting. 

Just about 100 years later, the USA was considered to be an amoral country. With a population of five million, it's estimated that three hundred thousand were addicted to alcohol. That's six percent of the population. Today in the USA, we have at least that many, and I suspect it's higher than ten percent of the US addicted to drugs or alcohol. Many of the Ivy League universities were founded by clergy. Harvard, Rutgers and Princeton are examples, but a poll was taken at these institutions and at Harvard there was not a single Christian, nor at Rutgers, but at Princeton there were two. But in September of 1857, in New York City, of all places, revival broke out. It began as a lunch time prayer meeting in a single room with a handful of men. As weeks went by the numbers grew. By March of 1858, every church in New York was filled at the lunch hour for a prayer meeting. And again it was not a clergy member that sparked the revival, but a parishioner named Jeremiah Lanphier.

The turn of the century in North America was met again with a moral lapse. The world was in the midst of the second wave of industrialization. And people celebrated the excesses to excess. But a result of this behavior, in all of history, has an ugly underbelly of crime. (Sound familiar?) And in 1906, on Azuza street the Holy Spirit sent revival which lasted about three years and spawned several Pentecostal denominations.

In the last century there have been some more smaller movements. 

There was a Jesus movement in the late 60's and 70's.

I remember a laughter movement in the late 80's but I believe it was short lived as people tried to capitalize by selling "stuff". 

Today globally there are so many things happening. We have several factions. There are hundreds of "religions" but there is still only one way to God. 

And of course we have people openly worshiping evil, or man. 

(Did you see the Red address of Resident Biden?)

There is a push today to merge man and machine. The resident of the United States recently signed an EO to spend money developing human 2.0.

There are groups of people wanting to reduce the population on the planet, believing that humans are the biggest threat to the earth. 

Here are some things happening today, some are obvious and some one must look for. Nearly every nation is facing economic collapse. And this is primarily because the economies have been based on fiat currency. Money with no real value except what the government says that it's worth. But as governments print more and more, the value declines. By strict definition, this is inflation. 

Scientifically humanity is delving into the most bizarre experiments. Someone thought it would be a good idea to take the scalp from an aborted baby and graft it on a mouse. And things get even more bizarre than that. Do you ever ask why today, is there such a strong push to inject "something" into every human being? 

So here is why I am encouraged. For the last year and a half, more or less, nearly every week there are conferences or rallys being held all across the country. 

The rallys have different names, truth fests, patriot rally of patriot fest. The trucker convoy was essentially a nationwide rally. Clay Clark and General Mike Flynn have been hosting a "Re-Awaken America" tour across the country. These events are drawing anywhere from one hundred to eight thousand people in one place. They all have some things in common. Speakers bringing truth about government corruption, election fraud, medical fraud, community involvement. But most of all, at these events, there are people preaching Jesus. Preaching the message of salvation and the reason why we need salvation. I contrast this to today's organized church, which is more about self help than repentance and salvation. 

And the movement is not limited to the US. We saw a truck movement in Canada. Farmers in the Netherlands bound together to stop the government overreach. And while it's hard to find some of these stories on major news, if one looks on alternate media, Bitchute, Telegram, Rumble, you can see what these people were doing in the streets. No vandalism, no fires, no fights. But I saw barbecues and prayer meetings. What a contrast to BLM and antifa. 

Governments around the world are collapsing from their own incompetence. Israel's government collapsed on the same day that Roe v Wade was overturned. Coincidence? Italy's government is on the edge of failure and from the looks of things, they are poised to elect a conservative woman, Giorgia Meloni. This is sending shock waves across Europe. But not covered on US news. 

In Brazil, president Jair Bolsonaro was at a rally where reports claimed that one million supporters gathered together and recited the Lord's Prayer.   

We are currently in the midst of the greatest revival of all time. But it's not just a spiritual revival. People are becoming educated in so many areas where we have been fed lies. Becoming involved in areas where we have been lax for decades. 

Today's revival does not look like any other revival. I think of the parable of wine skins. If you are an old wine skin, this won't work well for you. It's new wine and it needs new wine skins.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Disconnected from reality

Sometimes I feel a bit disconnected from reality. Today's world can be so confusing. If one watches network news, the majority of that is propaganda. The TV personalities are mainly air-heads and just reading a script. There is a neat video that's been circulating for a few years now, it has clips from "news" stations across the country. Every single one is saying the exact same lines. And when we investigate the cause, it comes from essentially two areas, well really one but I'll get to that later. The key source(s) for today's foolishness is the education system. Public schools and universities. Primarily liberal universities, but nearly all of them are screwed up. Some of the social ideas coming out of them are just ridiculous. I watched the movie "What is a woman", last night. There are parts which are quite funny, but for the most part, it's disturbing. What is also more sad than disturbing is how difficult it is to legally watch it. One must purchase a year subscription to Daily Wire. It is also bootlegged on Bitchute, so available to anyone who wants to see it. I really believe that every sane adult needs to watch this movie. 

I used to think that the education system was broken. I no longer have that belief. The education system has been taken over by evil forces and it's doing exactly what they wanted to do. Causing confusion and social unrest. 

The second area where the social engineering comes from ridicule and name calling. For some reason, people are afraid to be labeled as something that they are not. The current list of socially destructive names are, bigot, fascist, and any hyphenated -phobe. And what's really disturbing about this, is that simply the fear of being labeled as  "phobe" has lead to a bunch of idiots running the country.

The movie focused on the sexual confusion, so I will focus there too. In the movie, Matt Walsh interviews several doctors, psychiatrists, and people on the street. The folks who showed the most common sense were a tribe in Nairobi. The majority of people asked the question could not provide an answer. And one "professor" gave a circular answer that was just a word salad. 

I mentioned that all of this is primarily coming from a single source. It's evil, that's the source. Whether you believe that Satan exists or not is not important. (He does exist by the  way). The fact that others do believe, in both Satan and in other gods (small g). And these other gods are actually demons. 

The evil forces are trying to blur the lines of reality, and in a lot of ways they play on religious beliefs. And the corruption has entered religious institutes of education too. The main concept of "Love thy neighbor" is played to the hilt. For some reason people believe that if I love my neighbor, I can't offend them. Allowing someone to do something that's stupid is not love, it's also stupid. I frequently compare some of these choices to mowing your grass barefoot. You might come out alright, but there is a good chance that you'll eventually get hurt. Believing that you are something other than what you are is a disconnect from reality, and I will not engage in your fantasy.

The question comes up frequently as to how the "church" should handle trans people. They should be handled as any other person, with love but not acceptance for their delusion. We accept that children will have imaginations, sometimes pretending to be someone or something that they are not. But at some point there must be a return to reality. A biological man is and cannot be a woman, and the opposite is also true. In the movie, there was a doctor who recognized that there are effeminate males and there are masculine females. It's been happening for as long as history can record. But that does not mean they should have their bodies mutilated. 

We are living in some strange times. The current sexual push is not coming from a majority, although the way our media plays it up one would believe that it is. And it is spreading to other areas. Some children are encouraged to identify as animals. A substitute teacher was recently fired because she would not "meow" to a student who identified as a cat. (No I am not making this up).

The other area that is currently getting a strong push is pedophilia. I have seen talks by several college professors claiming that it's actually a normal behavior, that they should be called "minor attracted persons". 

The attack is on sex and marriage because these are the culmination of God's creation. In five days God created the heavens and earth, on the sixth day He made man. And from man He made woman, a help mate, and in some translations the completion. Satan cannot create, in fact Jesus, who by the way is God, told us all that Satan can do is kill, steal, and destroy. Wants to destroy God's crowing achievements. By spreading sexual confusion, he damages both the sexual identity and the institute of marriage. 

I will not comply with the stupidity. People who believe that they are something that they are not are either mentally ill or demon possessed. And I will tell them that. I do not care about labels, call me a phobe if you like but I will live in reality.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Why sin is a bad thing

I remember an old joke, or at least part of it. A young boy went to church one Sunday and his neighbor asked what it was like. The preacher talked about sin. The neighbor asked, what did he say? And the boy replied, he was pretty much against it. There is some humor in this for a couple of reasons. First, I can't remember the last message I heard about sin, or holiness living. And second, I know far too many church people who are not against sin.

Most religious people will say that the worst thing with sin is it separates us from God. While that is mostly true, there's much more. Sin effects all, even for the pagan who has no desire to know God, sin still has consequences. And that is the bad thing. Everything that we do has some sort of consequence, some good and some bad. And it is unfortunate that we live in communities so that sins of one person can and will effect the lives of another. 

Living in the US, for most of my life I've heard that we are a "Christian nation". But that's not true. I doubt that it ever was really true. We certainly were founded on Christian values, but for the most part, I believe that we've been more of a humanist nation. A nation of people with evolving values. Establishing what is right or wrong based on social norms. That's humanism, at least the definition I choose. One of the bad things in this is that, social norms, through all of history, have devolved into a narcissistic and base society. And by and large, humanist societies do not recognize God as a sovereign creator. Most humanists will consider God as a myth, or worse yet, an all loving being that accepts anyone who is basically good. And of course every humanist considers them-self to be good. 

But there is a principle which is ignored. One can deny the truth, or reality, but it does not make it any less true or any less real. So even for those who do not accept God, or believe they can be good enough, reality is still coming.

Even if you do not accept the biblical writings, one cannot argue that should man follow the 10 commandments, societies will function better. I do not profess any ability to live sinless, but I do distinguish between the forgiveness through grace, to openly promoting or encouraging sin.

God gave to Moses, and to the world, 10 commandments. The first five deal with man's relationship to God, and the second five are man's relationship to man. And all of them can be paraphrased in a simple sentence with just two rules. Love God, love people. Every rule or law is covered here. 

Most of the laws outlined as given to Moses, at least those dealing with man to man, are followed around the world. Stealing, adultery, perjury, and murder are for the most part frowned upon. The first command though in the second group, honor your parents or perhaps honor your elders, is not so universally recognized. And of these, the humanist society eventually makes exceptions for adultery, perjury, and murder. And even theft, in a lot of cases, is dismissed. Certainly those today are widely accepted here in the US. So many people I know have "open" marriages. So much in our society are lies that it's hard to tell the truth. 

God told us not to do these things for more than one reason. They are wrong for starters, but even more than that, all of these things will have consequences and leave a mark. Some of the folks that I know that had open marriages eventually split. And I know a couple that are still together but unhappy. A marriage was intended by our creator to be monogamous. And I know several that will say people in the bible had multiple wives. That was never the design. Something deep within is damaged when you know that your partner is being intimate with someone else. 

Stealing may not effect the thief, at least not at first. And as humanists don't believe in God, they will not expect any action from Him. But it certainly hurts the victim. And of course if a thief is caught, in most cases there is a penalty.

Now I get to the reason for this post. This last weekend the US supreme court ruled that there was never a constitutional right to have an abortion. Just the thought of this I find disturbing. But that's probably because I believe that God exists and I believe what He said. 

That each person is fearfully and wonderfully made. And before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Elsewhere in scripture God says specifically that life is in the blood. And a heartbeat can be heard about three weeks after an egg is fertilized. So according to God, a baby has life at least 3 weeks old. But our humanist society determined, with some pretty twisted logic, that since the baby cannot live on it's own, that it's not really alive and therefore can be destroyed. I get how a pagan humanist can arrive at this conclusion, what I can't grasp is how a Christian, especially a member of clergy can come to this conclusion.

That it took nearly fifty years to fix the mistake is a reflection on the population. If the US really was a Christian nation, or even a religious one, this would have stopped much sooner. But by and large, we are humanists. Worshiping the god of stuff. Our lives are consumed with personal pleasures and acquiring things. God is secondary at best, and I would say this is unfortunately true for a lot of clergy that I've met. In fact, I know at least three "pastors" that never should have become such. They learned that a seminary degree was a lifetime guaranteed job. 

Something else about abortion as compared to other sins, you commit it against yourself, and God. By destroying what God put together one certainly is not loving Him. And by destroying the baby one is not loving the child or ones self. I know just a few women that have had abortions. There is one who is still a pagan humanist and has no feelings about. The others will admit, at times, that they wonder what could have been.

The simple solution if one does not want a baby is not to have sex. And I know that while this is the simplest answer, humans are driven by certain desires. I have referenced many times a line from a book I read; "There's nothing dumber than a man with an erection". But the desires are in both sexes. 

What's lacking the most is instruction that life choices have consequences. Our humanist society, while trying to remove God and establish a utopia, has attempted to remove consequences from life. No-fault divorce and auto insurance. Giving everyone a trophy just for being there. Grading systems that do not stress achievement but mediocrity. And the consequences today is a largely unskilled workforce in the US. And loss of major manufacturing jobs. Fifty years ago the US was the world's largest manufacturer of nearly everything. Who makes everything now? Is there a connection?

Sin, or sometimes just life mistakes have a price. I have first hand knowledge of this. About thirty years ago I made a decision, it seemed like the right thing to do. Certainly not a sin, nothing against any laws but two years later I discovered it was the biggest mistake I could ever make. Still today I live with the consequences. And of course there are times when we may effect someone else, or someone else may effect us. My wife was rear-ended three years ago. She will never be whole again. Consequences of life.

There is forgiveness through the grace of God in Jesus for all of our sins. Through Him we can be reconciled and receive the promise of life eternal. And we are not separated from God. But there are still consequences.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Do you have hope?

1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I have wrestled with this verse more of late than at any other time. I ask myself a lot, what is it that gives me hope? And it is this question, which came from a different source, that has me writing today.

A few days ago, on a group FB page there was a question. I read it and just gave it a passing thought, but since then it's been on my mind. I tried to find it again, but have not been able to. In essence the question asked was, so many people are so positive that things are going to get better. Can anyone give some concrete evidence that this is so?

I get this. We all want to see something real. I'd love to see something real, this living only by faith is pretty hard.

Some people are claiming to be prophets and saying that our President will be back by the end of the summer. There are other claims, which, while I will love to see them happen, some claim we are entering a year of jubilee. I am a bit skeptical.

If one were to ask the typical Christian church goer, why do they have hope in their future, you'll get a typical Christian answer. Some form of testimony, many will cite having a relationship. Some can claim some form of healing or deliverance. I don't have any of these. For a long time I have considered what would my answer be? Why do I profess to be Christian?

My acceptance of Jesus is based primarily on logic. I look at the world and must determine that it has a creator. As a machinist, I make some pretty complex parts, but none as complex as plants and animals. To think that all of this simply evolved from some pond scum is foolish at best. And so logically, if the world has a creator, He can set His own rules, and if I break them then I am subject to consequences. Even the rules are logical. Although religions have a lot of rules, there are really only 2 that make a difference. Acknowledge and love the creator, henceforth called God. And love your neighbor, or fellow human. 

Most religions recognize that there is a standard to live by, and most teach that we can work it out on our own meeting that standard. But Christianity is different. It says that no-one can work it out to live by the standard, and by the time that we realize that there is a standard, we have violated it. And different from others, it is not up to me to make things right. (Which I cannot do). Knowing that no man could meet the standard, God Himself became man to pay the price of death for all men.

I accept this. Not because I've had a personal meeting with Jesus. And not because I have any relationship with God. Although I've been told that's what Christianity is, yet in the 30 plus years, I've not found that yet. And I have resigned myself that it will not happen. Still, the message of Jesus resonates. I know me, and I know that I can't do it. So I need someone who can, to save me. That's my whole testimony, it's just a logical argument. 

I hear testimonies from people who were addicts, and delivered. I hear of miraculous healings. Never personally seen them though. In the past few years, testimonies have caused me some problems. I spent years in daily morning prayer. I finally gave up, one can only knock on a door that never opens for so long. Today the thought of prayer is actually painful. I remember a preacher saying that people don't pray for two reasons, Some are afraid that God will not be there, and others are afraid that He will. I can't say that I've ever met God in prayer, so I fall in the first group. And I really don't want to feel rejection again.

I write this part, just to establish where I am in this, and why for me, testimonies are painful. We were at an event just this last weekend where the main speaker talked about an accident that broke her back. She briefly spoke about hospitalization, surgery and recovery, but the key is that she recovered, and she is walking. Maybe I'm being a bit selfish, but my wife was rear-ended three years ago while going to church, and she has been in extreme pain since that day. She can hardly walk, if I move in the bed, it shakes and I hear her wince from the pain. She has had three surgeries and the doctors don't know what else to do. And I certainly don't know what to do. Most days I see no hope in this life of things getting better for her. Lots of people have prayed, I must confess I have no hope for things to change.

But I do have some hope for the country. If one is to believe that there is a creator, and that He wrote the bible, then one must also believe there is evil.

It's actually easy to believe in evil, one can see it daily.  

The events of the last two years or so have revealed some of the extent of evil in the world. A bug was released, people were secluded in their homes, many given a great experiment. The results of which we may not know for years. But in the midst of this, while evil people were trying to control the world, something happened. 

Parents were seeing how the evil has taken over the public school system. How most of our government is corrupt. That representatives do not care anything about the general public, only the elite. And people are taking action.

School boards are being changed. Politicians that have been entrenched for decades are being removed. Laws are being changed. A lot of positive things are happening, but is it God moving?

I will say yes and no. I believe that the Spirit of God is always moving. That He gave us specific instructions, and if we simply follow them, then things work out. But it's not up to God to do the stuff. People are realizing that we all need to do stuff. 

I know that Jesus said we could pray and move the mountain, but I think it might be quicker just to get some big machines and move it ourselves. 

This is going to take some time, and it will probably be painful. For about 60 years, in the public schools, our children have been taught that we did not come from God. And for 50 years we have been sacrificing unborn babies in the name of convenience. 

Many people fought against these measures, but we did not fight right. One cannot fight against killing babies and then elect politicians who oppose that view. Yet that's what we did, all of us are guilty. 

But I see things changing. There is indeed a revival, not like any revival told about in previous history. This is different. People are coming to God and realizing that we need to get involved. And hopefully, making sure that in the future God's people stay involved. 

If the person who asked the question, is looking for some specific proof that things are going to be better, you may never actually get that. But I can see some things happening. Corruption is being revealed. Even if the government agencies and courts systems are corrupt too, the truth is coming to light and people are becoming more aware. Things are changing at local levels. And there is an air of revival in that many people are accepting Jesus as their savior. 

It's a beginning, and I do have some hope that our nation and it's founding values will be restored.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Living without consequences

Would it not be great if we could live life with no consequences? We all suffer at times from things that we've done in the past. And while it's pretty common for people to make claims that our past does not define us, reality is that it actually does. Things that we do can have impact for decades. In my own life, something that I did back in 1995, while it appeared to be a good idea at the time, I realized about a year later that it was probably the biggest mistake that I ever made. And today, nearly 27 years later, every day I pay the consequences for that one decision. 

The current topic though is the abortion issue, and more specifically, Roe vs Wade. The death culture will claim "women's rights", or "reproductive rights". They claim that an unborn baby, since it cannot survive outside of the womb, is not really alive. 

There are also frequent claims that abortion is needed for cases of rape or incest or for life threatening instances. I've been having a discussion with someone for the last day that makes arguments of "forced" pregnancies. 

We have been living in a death culture for several decades. It has actually expanded, there are people, who have actually been somewhat outspoken, that feel elderly should be terminated too. When society stops valuing life at it's conception, life along the way becomes cheaper. And when society is focused only on material profits, elderly are not profitable and so they are simply a burden. 

An area that has totally baffled me for years is how any professing Christian can actually believe that it's OK to kill babies. Certainly there is forgiveness for all sins, but how does someone justify killing an unborn child and then go to God for forgiveness? Or a pastor who would council such actions. And while it is not my place to decide who is or is not forgiven, and as scripture states "whosoever will.. may be forgiven", there are still consequences to the "choice".

I will not argue that there are a lot of circumstances by which a woman could become pregnant. But I also know that the primary reasons for terminating pregnancies in the US are convenience and money. It is a desire to not have the consequence of the action. And it comes back to the very first lie, or half truth.

Do you know what it was and where it happened?  It was in the garden; "you will not surly die." Today the lie is similar. Go ahead and do whatever you feel like doing. You can terminate a pregnancy, it's no big deal. Yet there is underlying trauma that very few speak of. In the past 20 or so years I have met perhaps a dozen women who have had abortions. In every case, it was for convenience and in every case there is deep regret. 

There is no living without consequences.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Do you know that your pastor is a sinner?

It's true, he or she will sin some time this week, probably today. And so will you and I. Yet we accept weekly teaching and instruction from this sinner. Do you also know that Paul, formerly known as Saul, was a pharisee who persecuted and killed or had killed, Christians? And that he was present when Stephen was stoned?

It seems that nearly every year, right before Christmas and Easter, I get e-mail or I see FB memes about how these are pagan holidays.

While it's true that they began as such, but all of our biblical heroes began as sinners. Actually they all ended as sinners too. The difference is called redemption.

On Easter and Christmas, more people are in church than on other days. There are people who are only there on those days. And at least, on those times, they hear the message of redemption. 

So if God can redeem the sinner who is your pastor, and you can follow his or her teachings. And God can redeem the sinner who was Paul, and use him to write a large portion of the New Testament, which you as Christians probably study. And God can redeem you and I, what makes you believe that God cannot redeem a day to His purpose too?

So I will continue to celebrate Easter. Not for some forgotten Pagan ritual, but I will enjoy the colored eggs, jelly beans (black ones), chocolate bunnies and marshmallow peeps. But most of all, I will JOYFULLY celebrate an empty tomb. God has redeemed the day, celebrate His redemption.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Babylon is falling. Yeah!

Babylon is falling

 I do not profess to be a prophet. I have read a number of so called prophetic books over the years, most focused on the book of The Revelation. So far, they have all been wrong. It's difficult to interpret visions of a first century man in an unknown era. I do however believe that things today are lining up in an incredible way. I could be wrong, I've had this idea for some time and I believe the time is fast approaching. As usual, I will jump around a bit but by the end I think things will line up. 

There are a few bible prophecies that come up frequently, Daniel's 70th week, Nebuchadnezzar's statue, and of course the book of The Revelation. I don't know about the 70th week idea, don't think it really matters. The statue in Nezzy's dream has been interpreted in several ways. In most cases, people equate the body parts with specific kingdoms or empires. I don't. I equate the entire statue as the monetary system and the various body parts or metals as the evolution or devolution of that system. A lot of early commerce was simply trading goods but early money was gold. As time went on, coins were made and the metals changed. Over time we printed paper, which was originally backed by gold and silver. At the same time as paper money was developed, the coinage was changed to something less valuable but backed by the face value in gold. And then as more time went by, there was the development of FIAT currency. Which is simply paper designated to have a value simply by decree of the government or ruler. The main problem with FIAT money is that people are greedy and will print more money than they actually can back. Eventually all debts need to be paid, and this is where wars come in. If you look back carefully at history, you can find an amazing correlation between FIAT systems breaking down and wars.

So looking at the statue, we begin with a gold head, then silver, brass, iron, and iron with clay. I know that a lot of folks think the iron and clay kingdom is a merger of human and machine, in today's vernacular, trans-humanism. I don't. I think it's partly right, in the merger of humanity and machinery. I believe the iron is the industrial age, or military superiority. Money for the past century has essentially been backed by industry, and the clay, I will accept as humanity. The toes of iron and clay, I would call the merger of industry and people. American money is essentially backed by the labors of the populace, and as the US has arguably had, since WWII, the most powerful military. I would say that the US dollar is iron and clay, military and manual labor.

Now let's look at what I believe Babylon to bee. It's the global economic system, and for fifty years, the primary currency has been the dollar. As the dollar is backed by the industry, the people, and the military might of the US, it has for these fifty years ruled. But that has changed. Fiat currency has intrinsic problems. It's mere creation creates debt. Additional printing devalues what is already in circulation, and as each printing creates more debt, there is no way to overcome the debt. So the fiat system is not sustainable.

Today, if anyone listens to financial analysts, you will hear a common theme. All of the world's fiat systems are failing. In the last year and a half, the US has printed more money than it did in the first 100 years of existence. In China, the largest corporation in the country, Evergrande, has defaulted. It is essentially bankrupt, being propped up by the CCP printing more fiat money. The US stock market, which I will call the Whore of Babylon is constantly being propped up the federal government printing more money. Eventually all debts need to be paid.

So now let's look at what has happened in the past few weeks. Russia went into the Ukraine. There is sufficient evidence that a lot of monetary shenanigans has been happening in the Ukraine. The Deep State wants an all out war in the region. So far, fighting has been isolated. And much of what is being reported by media is fake. Pictures of bombed out buildings in Jordan. A fire in Canada, aircraft footage from a video game. And one I really like, body bags stacked up where someone unzips the bag to smoke a cigarette. 

While the Deep State will clam they imposed sanctions on Russia to try and stop them, I actually believe they are trying to escalate the situation. But in the end, it's backfiring. By taking Russia off of the SWIFT monetary system, resident Biden is destroying the power of the dollar. 

Europe has become dependent on Russia energy. And it's still cold in Europe. And while the woke green activists are trying to make everyone eat soy and ride bicycles, the rest of the world wants meat and gas powered cars. So about two thirds of the global population is still trading with Russia. And they are doing so without using dollars. Russia is now only accepting payments in rubles and gold. I think this is the first step. China and India will flush out all US dollars in a short time. All of this will cause a major crash. 

At this time, I expect that some event will propel the US into a war. But I also believe that it will be short lived. Too much damage has already been do to the financial system. And too many people are realizing the truth and level of corruption. 

The dollar's value will free-fall and have no real value. Soldiers will question the morality of the conflict, and the fact that they are not being paid. And the media, which has been heavily bribed for decades, will no longer accept bribes with useless money. 

In a way it's a bit frightening, but at the same time exciting. The evil beast is being beheaded. I don't know if it's the book of The Revelation, and I don't care.
The world has been controlled by some very evil people for a long time and all evidence to me seems like they are coming down.

Way cool!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

This revival will transform or destroy the current church

As I have noted before, when I write, my ideas may seem to wander a bit but I will attempt to put things together by the end.

I do believe that we are experiencing a revival. It's nothing like any prior revival, but that does not stop religious people from trying to make it that way.

I've heard of, and read about revivals for a long time. There was a preacher named J. Edwin Orr, he did some extensive research on revivals. There are a lot of audio recordings of lectures that he gave, some good stuff to listen to. 

I've known several preachers that tried to have revivals, usually a series of meetings, maybe a week or so long but typically it's church people and in my experience not much influence on the community. Real revival breaks out and changes the area. The greed and pride of men typically cause revivals to end. I'm pretty certain that if the Holy Spirit began to move in most churches today, someone would try to capitalize on it with T shirts and bumper stickers. And that reflects on the church. 

Vicki and I recently attended an "event" that we thought might be similar to Clay Clark's reawaken tour. It wasn't. Was more like a church service. I will say the beginning was good, the initial preaching was also good. But at the end, it was forced. I think that at a lot of these events, people try to recreate the meetings of Oral Roberts or Kathryn Kuhlman.

I have a lot of problems with the current organized religions. Religion represents formulas and rituals and for the most part, most denominational churches have fallen into rituals and formulas. Unfortunately it's what humans do, we make routines, even when we shouldn't. Many people joke that seminary studies should be called cemetery instead. From what I have seen and heard, seminaries teach how to build a church. A business plan. Most graduates end up with an abbreviated bible. Cliff notes on most of the Old Testament, about half of the psalms, all of the gospels and Acts, but only a few chapters of the rest. 

In the last several years I have met three people that are or were pastors and never should have been. They learned that a seminary or religious degree, in a major denomination, is a guaranteed job and salary. And all that a pastor needs to do is prepare about 100-120 sermons for a lifetime of employment.

Today, across the country, in nearly every church you will find this pattern. Three or four songs, some announcements, a sermon, maybe one or two more songs and maybe an altar call. It's a formula followed pretty much universally. 

Things are changing, have been for a while. There has been a move to more home churches for some time. The reality is that home churches are closer to the original design. Yet there is still something to be said for a larger gathering. I'm not a big fan of the mega church, too many people can get lost. But a modest size church has resources that can help each other grow. 

We are experiencing a revival of sorts right now but it's certainly not like any other recorded. And it's not entirely spiritual. It's more an awakening of the masses to the areas where we have been deceived for many years. There has been, and continues to be massive amounts of fraud in most areas of our lives. 

And this is my primary issue. 

There are two scriptures that come to mind right now, both should be familiar. My people perish for lack of knowledge, and the truth shall make you free.

With all of the evidence today, it is easy to see that the network news media does not tell the truth. They spin stories for ratings, or even worse, fabricate news, spreading propaganda. 

Most pastors refuse to take political stances in the pulpit, reasons are either the belief that politics should be separated from church, or the fear of losing tax exempt status. The tax exempt clause was a stroke of genius for evil forces, it has stifled so many preachers.

And this is where today's revival is coming from, the truth being brought forth. But it's not coming from most churches. There are a small number of groups, some are associated with churches and pastors, traveling across the country spreading truth. And it's making a difference. I know of a meeting with perhaps two thousand people, where an altar call was made and nearly half raised their hands. Maybe some had already accepted Christ before, but it's more than I've seen in my life. 

It is my feeling that if the church, meaning the established organized churches, will not begin telling their members the truth, then when truth finally comes out they will leave. 

Times today are certainly different form the first century. Even as short as 60 years ago news came from different sources. Consider that in any church in the 1930's through the 1940's news was word of mouth, from person to person. Today most people get news from a TV network and all news networks are owned and controlled by six people. 

We are living a huge lie today. There is evidence of fraud in so many places and the church is not speaking out. I think that most pastors don't even realize, although I know some that do. Real news can be found from what's called alternative sources. Those sources are bloggers and internet users that are on the scene showing the truth.

It's important to tell people that salvation only comes from Christ, but it's also important to tell people that an experimental injection is killing people.

That scientifically wearing a piece of cloth on you face will not protect you. That our economy is collapsing. 

The church needs to change, it needs to to do all that it can to inform the congregation on current events, and to insure that what it says is true.

This is the revival that's happening today. Truth is pouring out and people are hungry for truth. Any pastor that want's to fill their church, you need to start by telling the truth.