Monday, December 20, 2021

Living in a bubble

I frequently hear people say of the elite politicians that "they are living in a bubble".

But when you look at the reality of life, we are all living in bubbles. I will explain and maybe help to find some understanding of why people can be so disconnected on what's happening right in front of them.

Let me put forth some examples of how this works. Most Americans work with a small number of people, they spend the majority of their time with these people.

Outside of work, another small group of people where a small percent, perhaps 10-20, of their time is spent. And unfortunately most spend a small amount ,maybe even up to 15 percent of their day listening to or watching network news.

So here are some principles that I have witnessed over time. When you work with a specific type of people every day, you tend to have a world view based on the people that you work with. When I was in the Air Force, I worked in intelligence. I noticed that after a few years of this, I stopped trusting people in general.

While the reality is that not everyone is a spy, but when you spend 10-14 hours every day with a bunch of spies, it changes us. Curiously, more than 30 years later I still have some trust issues. 

My youngest son and I noticed what we call "the cop asshole principle". Several people we know became cops, about 2 years later they were assholes, but then a couple of years later changed back, in some cases just a bit. And the reason for this is because in the first 2-4 years as a cop, they deal with people, who for the most part, are thieves and liars. So this impacts the look at the whole world. 

This weekend I had an opportunity to meet and discuss COVID with an ICU nurse. She is convinced that anyone with COVID that ends up in ICU will die. As this is what she sees. I asked about the protocols, if they are being treated with Remdesivir? And yes they are. In some cases also midazolam, and vancomycin. Remdesivir and vancomycin will cause renal (kidney) failure in up 60% of all patients who receive it, within 5 days. In clinical studies of remdesivir, 51% of all patients who received the drug died. 

In the conversation, I asked if she has contact with patients before ICU. She does not. So here is where living in this bubble comes in. Unfortunately the evil people orchestrating the depopulation agenda understand this.  The initial treatment nurses don't see the patient if and when they get moved to ICU, and the nurses don't communicate between floors. I can understand how an ICU nurse may not connect the treatment with causing death, it's hard to figure out how initial treatment nurses can't see it though. Perhaps since the patienst is moved while still living, there is a disconnect. But again, when living in a bubble, if all that one sees from COVID is death, the focus is not on treatment and it's difficult to believe that people in charge might actually want people to die. 

I see the problem, I understand where it comes from, no idea how to fix it though.