Saturday, February 4, 2023

Is this the "Mark of The Beast"?

 In view of the "track and trace" push in so many areas of life, in all developed nations. I wonder why more people are not speaking about the "mark of the beast".

I see little TV but what I do see shows me enough to wonder if the entire world is sleeping. The primary advertisers for most "news" shows is pharma. In fact, from the programs that I have seen, they seem to be the primary advertisers on everything. Which brings the question, as pharma pays the "news", will the "news" be objective?  

Another item I see, are the early pay debit cards. And, according to a lot of pod-casters, more and more large companies, and airports only accept cards.

This is a push to move people away from any form of cash and transact only digitally. 

Ever since the ATM and debit card emerged, people, myself included, use it more than checks or cash. It's convenient, but is it really a good idea?

I remember reading something a few years ago promoting cash over cards because one can keep better track of what they are actually spending. The idea is that if we actually see the money, we might not spend as much. And there is also an idea of a spending limit. If I give myself $100 to spend in a week, and put that cash in my wallet, when it is gone, I am done. Or if there is not enough, then I don't buy it. 

So why the push away from cash?  It's really quite simple, no-one can track cash. Paper money, or coins, or any tangible item can be traded multiple times and no-one knows where it's been. But with a debit or credit card or bank controlled digital money, everything is tracked. That should frighten people.

By now most people have heard of Bitcoin, and the terms crypto currency, and digital currency, but these things are not the same.

Let's begin with Bitcoin, or crypto currencies. There are several out there and while I find the concept a bit odd, the coin(s) has no actually asset based value, the value comes from the people using it and assigning a value. And the chief values come from a form of security and anonymity. There is also a transaction speed inherit with cryptos. Someone can make a purchase with a crypto from the US to Europe in seconds, where an equivalent credit card or wire transfer will take longer. And there is also a bank fee with such transfers. Cryptos have fewer and in some cases no fees. 

National Central banks, like the federal reserve, (which is neither federal nor a reserve) do not like crypto currencies because they have no control of the money. 

But recognizing the move in this direction, and playing on the "convenience" aspect of debit cards, there is a stronger move to a central bank digital currency, also called CBDC. On the surface it would look exactly like how most of us have been transacting business for years. My utility bills, insurance and mortgage payments have all been done electronically, with no real "money" ever changing hands. Just a bunch of numbers on a balance sheet. But my bank has records of every penny that came in, where it came from and where it went. 

For most of us, national and global economics can be pretty confusing, and until it effects our pockets, we don't usually pay attention. But now it's time to pay attention.

For some time now the US government has been removing money from what is called the M2 supply. And while it includes more than this, they are taking paper money out of circulation. Just a little at a time, but it's happening. 

There are right now several banks, and the FED operating with CBDC's, one of which is called the QUANT.  This CBDC was pioneered by people at MIT, the same people who designed the Quantum Dot "vaccine" or tattoo. 

The way that this is eventually supposed to work. (And is actually being implemented now in some areas). A "marked" person can go to a store, fill a bag with groceries and simply walk out. The sensors in the store can access the person's CBDC account and charge them for the items which are electronically tracked as they exit. Yes people this is happening RIGHT NOW! 

While I don't want to spread doom and gloom, I do believe that at some time, all paper money will become worthless. People will only be able to openly trade with tracked CBDC's. But at the same time, I believe there will be a parallel market for barter and real assets. For people who do not want Big Brother tracking everything they do, I suggest getting something of value to be able to trade. And whatever you do, don't get the mark. It might be a tattoo, a chip under the skin, an app on your phone or watch. Or maybe it's "self assembling nano particles" that are injected.

It really is time to wake the hell up!

Friday, January 20, 2023

The fragmented nation

The nation of the United States of America is fragmented. It's interesting that we can see things every day, and as they change a little at a time, the changes go almost un-noticed. Until, at some point, we finally realize that something is wrong. 

We are at this point now. I am pretty sure that the majority of Americans know that something is drastically wrong, the sad part is that the majority of those have no idea of what is actually right. 

I frequently make the statement that we are in a war of good and evil, and that some people can't see the difference. 

As I have been getting the majority of real news for the past several years from pod-casters, I see what is really happening around the world, and in some cases I see it in real time. I am daily amazed by the number of people that still believe what the TV networks spout as news. They push a specific agenda ad-nausea. Have you ever stopped and noticed who and what the commercials are sponsoring the news broadcasts? Would you expect them to ever speak out negatively against multi-million dollar advertisers? 

And so we are fragmented. We are fragmented primarily by lies that sound almost plausible. I told this story before but it's well worth repeating. How the doughnut got it's name. 

The pastries were originally made by dutch settlers in New England and were dough balls deep fried in lard. But there was a problem, the center would usually not cook. So sometimes, they would fill the center with nuts. Then someone discovered that by making it a circle, the whole doughnut cooked. And it was named not a dough circle, but a dough naught. The word naught standing for nothing or zero, so essentially a dough zero. Over the years the name evolved into what it is today. 

Now does that story sound plausible? The first part is, including the nut filling, true, but the naming is something I made up years ago and people still believe it, because it sounds plausible.

There are so many lies today that sound plausible, the two that top my list are gender identities and global warming, or climate change. If one really does research, one can find that the only people pushing the latter are being funded to push it. Climate change is, by definition, a cult following. And gender identities is simply a form of brain washing and grooming. Not that long ago, if a man thought he was a woman, or vice verse, it was a diagnosis of mental illness. It still is.  

The grooming begins by targeting children between five and 12 years old. At the same time, media and more specifically TV programming, for the past two or three decades have been de-sensitizing the population to the gender fluid idea. And so what we have today is indeed a war of good vs evil, but the players are not obvious. 

What the evil has done is create a lot of small groups, in some cases aware that they are evil, at least at the top, but in most cases simply confused. It's social justice warriors. Climate change advocates. Antifascists, and any number of racial groups. All of these have things in common, anger and violence. 

The summer of love, with it's mostly peaceful protests, burned down millions of dollars of property. And the end result of this fracturing of society is the distancing of people. 

I have never before seen so many unfriendly people. Some are angry because they are part of one of the cults, some are frightened because they think the person next to them might be part of a cult. 

In the 2020 election, I know a lot of people who voted for President Trump, but would not display any signs for fear that their neighbor might vandalize their home or vehicle. 

I really saw this yesterday at the Orlando airport. While standing in line, for over an hour, just trying to check a single bag. I noticed and felt a certain tension. 

No-one appeared to be happy. The airline terminal was obviously under staffed. Where there were six agent stations, there was only one agent working and a line of at least 200 people. And while I wish things would have turned out differently, had these things happened a few hours later, it would have been bad. 

Before I could actually get checked in to our flight, my wife was overcome with severe lower back-side pain, doubled over and pretty much collapsed. And no she is not vaccinated. 

Immediately we suspected a kidney stone. So forgetting about the trip, we left. I called for the shuttle from where I had parked the car, (I do not recommend using Omni parking at Orlando airport), it took about 15 minutes. I explained to the driver that my wife was in severe pain, that I needed to get back to our car and take her to a hospital. 

He made three more stops at the airport before returning to the parking lot. Then at the lot, there was line up to the counter. The driver that brought us from the airport was inside. I went in to get cleared to leave and they wanted me to wait in line. Bullshit!  

I had prepaid the parking on line and was only there for a couple of hours, I put the receipt on the counter, said loudly that I needed to take my wife to the hospital and left. 

They would not open the gate for me to leave. I drove around the building the wrong way and left through the entrance. 

As it is now a day later that I am writing, I can say that Vicki is doing OK. Still in the hospital, it was not a kidney stone but bowel obstruction. Doctors are treating her. 

The point of this is the carelessness of people. It's amazing. 

I don't think it's based on any form of selfishness, simply a fear of being offensive. How freaking absurd. People are afraid of doing "stuff" because they are afraid it might offend someone. 

Personally, I don't give a shit! I offend people every day. Maybe it's because I'm old and no longer care what people think about me. Or maybe it's because I can see bullshit better than some. The sad part in this is that I don't have a solution. People need to be educated, red-pilled so to speak. There is a LOT of truth available to counter the lies, unfortunately there are more people telling lies and dismissing the truth tellers. 

There was a time when I would say to pray, but today, I put very little stock in prayer. Get educated and do all that you can to educate others. A very good source is . There are links to lots of truth and documents there, and Clay Clark has conducted a dozen or more conferences, sort of an information gathering and spiritual revival in one. There are videos of the conferences on Rumble. 

This though I am certain of. The only way to fix what is currently broken, will be by a move of God.