Sunday, July 31, 2022

Disconnected from reality

Sometimes I feel a bit disconnected from reality. Today's world can be so confusing. If one watches network news, the majority of that is propaganda. The TV personalities are mainly air-heads and just reading a script. There is a neat video that's been circulating for a few years now, it has clips from "news" stations across the country. Every single one is saying the exact same lines. And when we investigate the cause, it comes from essentially two areas, well really one but I'll get to that later. The key source(s) for today's foolishness is the education system. Public schools and universities. Primarily liberal universities, but nearly all of them are screwed up. Some of the social ideas coming out of them are just ridiculous. I watched the movie "What is a woman", last night. There are parts which are quite funny, but for the most part, it's disturbing. What is also more sad than disturbing is how difficult it is to legally watch it. One must purchase a year subscription to Daily Wire. It is also bootlegged on Bitchute, so available to anyone who wants to see it. I really believe that every sane adult needs to watch this movie. 

I used to think that the education system was broken. I no longer have that belief. The education system has been taken over by evil forces and it's doing exactly what they wanted to do. Causing confusion and social unrest. 

The second area where the social engineering comes from ridicule and name calling. For some reason, people are afraid to be labeled as something that they are not. The current list of socially destructive names are, bigot, fascist, and any hyphenated -phobe. And what's really disturbing about this, is that simply the fear of being labeled as  "phobe" has lead to a bunch of idiots running the country.

The movie focused on the sexual confusion, so I will focus there too. In the movie, Matt Walsh interviews several doctors, psychiatrists, and people on the street. The folks who showed the most common sense were a tribe in Nairobi. The majority of people asked the question could not provide an answer. And one "professor" gave a circular answer that was just a word salad. 

I mentioned that all of this is primarily coming from a single source. It's evil, that's the source. Whether you believe that Satan exists or not is not important. (He does exist by the  way). The fact that others do believe, in both Satan and in other gods (small g). And these other gods are actually demons. 

The evil forces are trying to blur the lines of reality, and in a lot of ways they play on religious beliefs. And the corruption has entered religious institutes of education too. The main concept of "Love thy neighbor" is played to the hilt. For some reason people believe that if I love my neighbor, I can't offend them. Allowing someone to do something that's stupid is not love, it's also stupid. I frequently compare some of these choices to mowing your grass barefoot. You might come out alright, but there is a good chance that you'll eventually get hurt. Believing that you are something other than what you are is a disconnect from reality, and I will not engage in your fantasy.

The question comes up frequently as to how the "church" should handle trans people. They should be handled as any other person, with love but not acceptance for their delusion. We accept that children will have imaginations, sometimes pretending to be someone or something that they are not. But at some point there must be a return to reality. A biological man is and cannot be a woman, and the opposite is also true. In the movie, there was a doctor who recognized that there are effeminate males and there are masculine females. It's been happening for as long as history can record. But that does not mean they should have their bodies mutilated. 

We are living in some strange times. The current sexual push is not coming from a majority, although the way our media plays it up one would believe that it is. And it is spreading to other areas. Some children are encouraged to identify as animals. A substitute teacher was recently fired because she would not "meow" to a student who identified as a cat. (No I am not making this up).

The other area that is currently getting a strong push is pedophilia. I have seen talks by several college professors claiming that it's actually a normal behavior, that they should be called "minor attracted persons". 

The attack is on sex and marriage because these are the culmination of God's creation. In five days God created the heavens and earth, on the sixth day He made man. And from man He made woman, a help mate, and in some translations the completion. Satan cannot create, in fact Jesus, who by the way is God, told us all that Satan can do is kill, steal, and destroy. Wants to destroy God's crowing achievements. By spreading sexual confusion, he damages both the sexual identity and the institute of marriage. 

I will not comply with the stupidity. People who believe that they are something that they are not are either mentally ill or demon possessed. And I will tell them that. I do not care about labels, call me a phobe if you like but I will live in reality.