Babylon is falling
I do not profess to be a prophet. I have read a number of so called prophetic books over the years, most focused on the book of The Revelation. So far, they have all been wrong. It's difficult to interpret visions of a first century man in an unknown era. I do however believe that things today are lining up in an incredible way. I could be wrong, I've had this idea for some time and I believe the time is fast approaching. As usual, I will jump around a bit but by the end I think things will line up.
There are a few bible prophecies that come up frequently, Daniel's 70th week, Nebuchadnezzar's statue, and of course the book of The Revelation. I don't know about the 70th week idea, don't think it really matters. The statue in Nezzy's dream has been interpreted in several ways. In most cases, people equate the body parts with specific kingdoms or empires. I don't. I equate the entire statue as the monetary system and the various body parts or metals as the evolution or devolution of that system. A lot of early commerce was simply trading goods but early money was gold. As time went on, coins were made and the metals changed. Over time we printed paper, which was originally backed by gold and silver. At the same time as paper money was developed, the coinage was changed to something less valuable but backed by the face value in gold. And then as more time went by, there was the development of FIAT currency. Which is simply paper designated to have a value simply by decree of the government or ruler. The main problem with FIAT money is that people are greedy and will print more money than they actually can back. Eventually all debts need to be paid, and this is where wars come in. If you look back carefully at history, you can find an amazing correlation between FIAT systems breaking down and wars.
So looking at the statue, we begin with a gold head, then silver, brass, iron, and iron with clay. I know that a lot of folks think the iron and clay kingdom is a merger of human and machine, in today's vernacular, trans-humanism. I don't. I think it's partly right, in the merger of humanity and machinery. I believe the iron is the industrial age, or military superiority. Money for the past century has essentially been backed by industry, and the clay, I will accept as humanity. The toes of iron and clay, I would call the merger of industry and people. American money is essentially backed by the labors of the populace, and as the US has arguably had, since WWII, the most powerful military. I would say that the US dollar is iron and clay, military and manual labor.
Now let's look at what I believe Babylon to bee. It's the global economic system, and for fifty years, the primary currency has been the dollar. As the dollar is backed by the industry, the people, and the military might of the US, it has for these fifty years ruled. But that has changed. Fiat currency has intrinsic problems. It's mere creation creates debt. Additional printing devalues what is already in circulation, and as each printing creates more debt, there is no way to overcome the debt. So the fiat system is not sustainable.
Today, if anyone listens to financial analysts, you will hear a common theme. All of the world's fiat systems are failing. In the last year and a half, the US has printed more money than it did in the first 100 years of existence. In China, the largest corporation in the country, Evergrande, has defaulted. It is essentially bankrupt, being propped up by the CCP printing more fiat money. The US stock market, which I will call the Whore of Babylon is constantly being propped up the federal government printing more money. Eventually all debts need to be paid.
So now let's look at what has happened in the past few weeks. Russia went into the Ukraine. There is sufficient evidence that a lot of monetary shenanigans has been happening in the Ukraine. The Deep State wants an all out war in the region. So far, fighting has been isolated. And much of what is being reported by media is fake. Pictures of bombed out buildings in Jordan. A fire in Canada, aircraft footage from a video game. And one I really like, body bags stacked up where someone unzips the bag to smoke a cigarette.
While the Deep State will clam they imposed sanctions on Russia to try and stop them, I actually believe they are trying to escalate the situation. But in the end, it's backfiring. By taking Russia off of the SWIFT monetary system, resident Biden is destroying the power of the dollar.
Europe has become dependent on Russia energy. And it's still cold in Europe. And while the woke green activists are trying to make everyone eat soy and ride bicycles, the rest of the world wants meat and gas powered cars. So about two thirds of the global population is still trading with Russia. And they are doing so without using dollars. Russia is now only accepting payments in rubles and gold. I think this is the first step. China and India will flush out all US dollars in a short time. All of this will cause a major crash.
At this time, I expect that some event will propel the US into a war. But I also believe that it will be short lived. Too much damage has already been do to the financial system. And too many people are realizing the truth and level of corruption.
The dollar's value will free-fall and have no real value. Soldiers will question the morality of the conflict, and the fact that they are not being paid. And the media, which has been heavily bribed for decades, will no longer accept bribes with useless money.
In a way it's a bit frightening, but at the same time exciting. The evil beast is being beheaded. I don't know if it's the book of The Revelation, and I don't care.
The world has been controlled by some very evil people for a long time and all evidence to me seems like they are coming down.
Way cool!