For as long as I have been a believer, I’ve heard stories of revivals. Isuza street frequently comes up, and there was a short lived movement in the early 90’s of spontaneous laughter. There are some recordings by a deceased Baptist preacher named J. Edwin Orr from the 60’s and into the early 70’s. Dr Orr Dr Orr traces the different awakenings, the early 1700’s, pre and post Civil War, 1850’s, and just a little of the Jesus movement. In nearly all cases, revival comes when society has reached an extremely low state. Or just before a major cataclysmic event, such as world war. For the most part, I’ve often thought of revivals as more people actively seeking God. The real churches filling, and reaching the community. And societal changes for the better. I’ve been to some meetings, or series of meetings called revival but they are really just a series of meetings, and as mostly initiated by man and not God, they encourage the saved more than impacting the society. But today I see real revival, but it does not look like what I expected. There is a lot of talk of The Great Awakening, (I did a blog post on this a while back) and I certainly see something changing. More and more people are beginning to ask the most important questions; Why? Why do we do things in a specific way? Why do we have certain laws? Why is there so much suffering in the world, while some people can flaunt so much wealth? Why do we toil our entire lives simply to exist? And probably most important; Why am I here? And probably the second most important question; Is this life all that there is?
There are answers to all of these questions. Most can be found in the same place. Looking at the last question first, if this life is indeed all that there is, then there is no purpose to exist. Paul said that if we have hope only in this life, then we are miserable. So I firmly believe that there is more than just this, and quite frankly this is quite miserable. But what about the rest of the questions? I will leave the second to last question for the end, and look at the others now. Do you ask why so many people suffer? If you do then you are just a part of that problem, because you actually have some compassion in your soul. Even if you do not believe it, there are people with no compassion at all. And unfortunately many of the folks in control of government and large corporations fall into this category. But you’re not off the hook, and neither am I. Because we abdicated our authority, we allowed evil people to take and maintain control for far too long. And we’ve accepted the lie that church and state should be separate. Life is lived in both a spiritual and physical realm, one cannot separate the two. So when we ask why do we do things in a certain way, it’s because we’ve put people in positions of authority who have dictated that this is how it will be done. In some cases this is OK, in other cases it is so very wrong.
The next question is why do we have certain laws? In some cases, laws are dictated by societal norms. Not to say that these are right though. In fact, societal norms will change with time, so laws change. But all over the world, there are some laws that are universal. Murder and theft are pretty much universally accepted as wrong. Where do these come from? When one acknowledges these universal laws, one must also consider that they were established by some authority. To look at the world, and all that is in it. To look at the mystery of life and it’s complexity, it is foolish to think that there was no design or designer to this. Consider for a moment a pencil. A simple machine of sorts. A piece of wood surrounding a piece of graphite. Where did it come from? Could the atoms that make a pencil simply form on their own? Even if someone had never seen a pencil before, they could discern that someone created it with a purpose. So if a simple device as a pencil has a creator, is it not logical then, that you and I, as complex as we are, would also have a creator? And it is this creator who established laws. And it is man who perverts the laws. We may acknowledge that it’s wrong to kill, but then some will say that the terminally ill will die anyway, and we can relieve their suffering. Or some may say that an unborn baby is not really a person so it’s not really killing. Science has different definitions for life, an amoeba crawling in a petri dish is considered alive, but a baby in the 6th month of pregnancy is not.
The question of why do I toil all my life to simply exist, can also be answered by the fact that we have allowed evil people to be in charge. The people who make the rules, make them for a reason. It allows them to retain power and enslaves the masses. This may sound extreme but consider how many people in government become multi millionaires in just a short time, while the majority of the population simply continue at the same pace.
And the final question, one with which so many people struggle is; Why am I here?
This is pretty deep. There is a saying that the chief purpose of man is to glorify God and to love Him forever. This means that I actually have to do something. My existence by itself will probably not glorify God. So I cannot simply live a passive life.
This is where I see revival and awakening in our nation today. And although I can’t say for sure, it appears to be happening in other countries too. It’s not a speaking in tongues movement. Not a signs and wonders movement. It’s a grass roots movement teaching people that we all have a responsibility in our communities. Right now in the US I know of two tours or programs or some such to which I really can’t place a name. One consists of several motor-coaches traveling across the USA in small communities. They are spreading the message of Faith Family and Freedom. Reaching the people not in the large cities but the folks that make up the life blood of the nation. At the same time, there is a group of people traveling to major cities, with a similar message. But both of these groups share one very specific message. Get involved in your community. I’ve heard for decades people speaking about how we need term limits, yet the same corrupt and evil people continue to be elected. We don’t need term limits, we simply need to replace people after 2 terms. And it begins at the local level. I am encouraged by things that I have seen in the recent past. The events of the last year served a purpose, it poked a lot of sleeping bears and woke them up. It made some people angry and they started asking questions. And it’s moved some to action. Two moms in Idaho attended a “revival” in Tulsa. They were inspired and took action. The result of their actions is a law now in Idaho that children cannot be forced to wear face masks in school.
This is the awakening, and the revival. It’s time for people to take a stand. Not on a national level but just in the community. Everything begins there. The USA is at a crossroads. And this is a battle between God and Satan. I am amazed by the people who profess to be Christians and cannot see what side is right. Killing babies is wrong. Enslavement in any form is wrong. Critical race theory is wrong. Socialism is evil straight from the pits of hell. Jesus said that the devil comes to destroy but that He came to give abundant life. Can you not discern who is causing destruction and who is promoting life?
While I believe that wheels are in motion right now to remove much of what is evil in our nation, it is still our responsibility to get active in our community. God is calling His people to WAKE UP. Some are being called to serve politically. Some are being called to support those. And all are being called to stand firm on what is right. For far tool long, the people of God have been passive in the face of evil. I say for my self I will be passive NO MORE. I will call out evil where I see it for what it is.
I will leave you with some information and hopefully some inspiration. Look at these web sites, be warned some of what you will find is disturbing and you may not want to believe it. But we are indeed in a battle between God and Satan, and this is the time for the people of God to gird up their loins and do battle.