Friday, September 16, 2022

The greatest revival

While this world is falling apart, still, there are some things that I find encouraging.

One must understand that every struggle is not simply between men, but there are indeed spirits of good and evil. Far too many people cannot accept this or recognize which side is which. I do believe that things globally will likely get worse. In many cases, men must experience failure. Must look directly into despair in order to reach the realization that man cannot solve his own problems. When these things happen, and examples can be found in history, then the hearts of man are turned to their creator and the Spirit of God begins to move. As we consider how bad things are today, let's take a look at some history. 

In 1700, England was considered to be a spiritual moral cesspool. The theater was all about sex, and at that time it was live acts. In many locations, the theater was flanked by pubs and brothels. One could go to the theater and become stimulated, then leave and indulge themselves. 

Sir William Blackstone visited the church of every major clergyman in London, In most sermons, he could not tell if the preacher was a follower of Confucius, Mohammed, or Christ.

But in the 1720's revival spread through Europe and crossed the Atlantic to reach America. But it did not begin in the churches. In fact, many clergy was so corrupted by the "system" that they refused to allow revival preachers such as Welsey and Whitefield to preach in their church. Revival broke out in fields, and in one story a revival broke out in a graveyard attached to a church. Seems fitting. 

Just about 100 years later, the USA was considered to be an amoral country. With a population of five million, it's estimated that three hundred thousand were addicted to alcohol. That's six percent of the population. Today in the USA, we have at least that many, and I suspect it's higher than ten percent of the US addicted to drugs or alcohol. Many of the Ivy League universities were founded by clergy. Harvard, Rutgers and Princeton are examples, but a poll was taken at these institutions and at Harvard there was not a single Christian, nor at Rutgers, but at Princeton there were two. But in September of 1857, in New York City, of all places, revival broke out. It began as a lunch time prayer meeting in a single room with a handful of men. As weeks went by the numbers grew. By March of 1858, every church in New York was filled at the lunch hour for a prayer meeting. And again it was not a clergy member that sparked the revival, but a parishioner named Jeremiah Lanphier.

The turn of the century in North America was met again with a moral lapse. The world was in the midst of the second wave of industrialization. And people celebrated the excesses to excess. But a result of this behavior, in all of history, has an ugly underbelly of crime. (Sound familiar?) And in 1906, on Azuza street the Holy Spirit sent revival which lasted about three years and spawned several Pentecostal denominations.

In the last century there have been some more smaller movements. 

There was a Jesus movement in the late 60's and 70's.

I remember a laughter movement in the late 80's but I believe it was short lived as people tried to capitalize by selling "stuff". 

Today globally there are so many things happening. We have several factions. There are hundreds of "religions" but there is still only one way to God. 

And of course we have people openly worshiping evil, or man. 

(Did you see the Red address of Resident Biden?)

There is a push today to merge man and machine. The resident of the United States recently signed an EO to spend money developing human 2.0.

There are groups of people wanting to reduce the population on the planet, believing that humans are the biggest threat to the earth. 

Here are some things happening today, some are obvious and some one must look for. Nearly every nation is facing economic collapse. And this is primarily because the economies have been based on fiat currency. Money with no real value except what the government says that it's worth. But as governments print more and more, the value declines. By strict definition, this is inflation. 

Scientifically humanity is delving into the most bizarre experiments. Someone thought it would be a good idea to take the scalp from an aborted baby and graft it on a mouse. And things get even more bizarre than that. Do you ever ask why today, is there such a strong push to inject "something" into every human being? 

So here is why I am encouraged. For the last year and a half, more or less, nearly every week there are conferences or rallys being held all across the country. 

The rallys have different names, truth fests, patriot rally of patriot fest. The trucker convoy was essentially a nationwide rally. Clay Clark and General Mike Flynn have been hosting a "Re-Awaken America" tour across the country. These events are drawing anywhere from one hundred to eight thousand people in one place. They all have some things in common. Speakers bringing truth about government corruption, election fraud, medical fraud, community involvement. But most of all, at these events, there are people preaching Jesus. Preaching the message of salvation and the reason why we need salvation. I contrast this to today's organized church, which is more about self help than repentance and salvation. 

And the movement is not limited to the US. We saw a truck movement in Canada. Farmers in the Netherlands bound together to stop the government overreach. And while it's hard to find some of these stories on major news, if one looks on alternate media, Bitchute, Telegram, Rumble, you can see what these people were doing in the streets. No vandalism, no fires, no fights. But I saw barbecues and prayer meetings. What a contrast to BLM and antifa. 

Governments around the world are collapsing from their own incompetence. Israel's government collapsed on the same day that Roe v Wade was overturned. Coincidence? Italy's government is on the edge of failure and from the looks of things, they are poised to elect a conservative woman, Giorgia Meloni. This is sending shock waves across Europe. But not covered on US news. 

In Brazil, president Jair Bolsonaro was at a rally where reports claimed that one million supporters gathered together and recited the Lord's Prayer.   

We are currently in the midst of the greatest revival of all time. But it's not just a spiritual revival. People are becoming educated in so many areas where we have been fed lies. Becoming involved in areas where we have been lax for decades. 

Today's revival does not look like any other revival. I think of the parable of wine skins. If you are an old wine skin, this won't work well for you. It's new wine and it needs new wine skins.