Sunday, July 4, 2021

Everything wrong in the world today is because of the church.

Let me begin with a warning. Some people believe that I am delusional and brain washed. Because I believe that President Donald Trump actually won in 2020.

I watched a lot of video, listened to a lot of people making sworn statements and most of all, I've not paid any attention to main stream media. I don't know how anyone can look at the events of Nov 3 and 4 and believe that nothing strange happened. But that sets a foundation for where I come from.  

So today we have a man who some people call the president, who appears to be owned by the Chinese Communist party. Nearly all of his policies are destroying the country that he is supposed to be leading. 

So let's look at how we got to this place, and why the church is at fault.

Remember that the lust for money is the root of ALL evil.

While I'm fairly certain that things were placed in motion before this, I set this as a milestone. I don't remember it, because it happened when I was 1 year old. Prayer was removed from public school. And what happened?  For the past nearly 60 years, the church, people professing to be Christian have lamented this and fought, although not nearly hard enough, to get prayer back in school. I believe that what should have happened is that as soon as this decision was made, Christians should have removed all of their children from public schools. Home schooling in the 60's was rare, but the potential to establish church and private schools has always been an option. And what would be the main reason for not doing this be? Cost. 

The lust for money is the root of ALL evil.

I've heard a lot of Christians say that their children should not be removed from public schools, so that the "pagan" children can see the difference. This philosophy neglects a simple scriptural teaching, the clean does not make the UN-clean clean, but the UN-clean will pervert the clean. The school has our children for 30-50 hours a week. Parents interact with their kids for 10-30 hours a week, and maybe 2 hours in church on Sunday. One would need to be a little delusional to believe that the Christian child can remain unsoiled by the world.  

And we see the steady decline in our society from 1962 on. Television became a lot more popular, and questionable programming abounded. All through the 60's and 70's, Sunday evenings had news (60 minutes) and Disney. So many of the Disney movies were suggestive. And if you do some research, you can find scenes with phallic symbols. I will agree that some of the images are a bit of a stretch, but others are quite obvious. 

Entertainment is and has been addicting, and through entertainment there is advertising. No-one can argue that advertising focus on three areas; sex, money, health, In that order.

Theater movies have moved to extremes, what was once considered PG, in many cases is G.  Where PG movies would not be shown on TV until "after hours", today there are no restraints. And of course with today's streaming content, there are no really NO restraints at all.

In 1973 the supreme court made it legal for women to have abortions. Again the church has been fighting but not the whole church. I think this is in part because from 1962 to 1972 the removal of prayer, the changes to media, the exposure to alternative ideas was beginning to fragment the church. And going back to the issue of school prayer, or the lack thereof, for the church to exert enough influence in the public, against the schools and media is an uphill battle to say the least.   It's unbelievable to me that anyone who professes to be a Christian can support killing babies, but I know so many. I even know clergy who believe this. Abortion advocates will claim that abortions are rare. Citing a variety or reasons, one of which is finance. 

Again money drives nearly EVERYTHING! 

lust for money is the root of ALL evil.

The primary reason for abortion though is convenience. In fact the two largest categories of women having abortions are college age girls and professional women. People who find it inconvenient to have a baby. 

Something else that has entered the social ideology is actions without consequence. No-fault insurance and divorce. In cases of violence, the attacker is not to blame but the instrument. 

And the church, Christians at large, have become so weak, standing for little or nothing at all. Unfortunately, I've found myself in this place. The idea that if something that someone else does, which does not effect me directly, doesn't matter. It all matters.

Since 1894 the churches have been tax exempt, but this came with a price. While not actually written in any original laws, the separation of church and state has become a popular phrase. And the tax exempt status of churches can be revoked if a pastor or representative takes a political position. John the baptist would certainly lose any exemption. Remember that the lust for money is the root of all evil, also remember that Jesus said a man cannot serve money and God. For a lot of churches money is the god.

We've also separated politics and religion. Religion is a nasty word, it speaks of rituals and strict rules, which unfortunately describes so many Christians I know, all about rules and rituals. By separating the two, the church has allowed some very evil people to acquire political power. Again, some may call me a conspiracy theorist but I encourage people to look at Even if just one tenth of this is true, it's disturbing.  

Today we are at a crossroads. Some call this time the Great Awakening, some in power want to perform the "Great Reset".  (Yes it is real, Klaus Schawb, world economic forum, wrote a book about it. Do some real research.)

It's past time for the church to do what it was always supposed to do. To speak out against what is wrong. And not just with words but also with actions. 

Today I saw a picture of a girl's soccer team where all but 1 member was kneeling during the National Anthem. This should never happen. There is only one reason that it does. One social activist started this idiocy several years ago. It caused a significant amount of media coverage. And a number of protests, but not what should have happened. This social activist knew that the church, that patriots had no real spine, that they would not stop watching sports and entertainment, and so this idiocy continues. There are athletes today who have stated that they want to win a medal so they can burn the US flag on the medalist podium. 

It's time for the people of God to stand up, to develop a spine, to no longer worship money but to trust God. This is another issue, with all of the rhetoric, most Christians that I know, really don't believe or trust God.  

If you are a parent, the first thing that you should do is get your kids out of public school. I am encouraged in some things that I saw in the past year, group home schools. Several parents coming together to school each other's kids. We also need to replace most of the school board members. But this needs to be done before the school system can be considered safe. 

There are three different "revivals" of sorts in the country that I know of. General Flynn with Clay Clark is holding large events in major cities. Vicki and I attended one in Tampa. Several Christian preachers, some very good messages, and the main focus is getting people involved on local levels. 

Two others are similar, encouraging people to get involved in local government and school systems, but these are focusing on smaller rural areas.

Personally, I'm not sure exactly what I am supposed to do. I am certain that I need to speak out, and so I will. In all areas where I see evil, where there are things in direct opposition of God's word, I will not be quiet, and I would encourage others to do the same. 

Turn off the TV, or at least stop watching network news. Turn off professional sports, do some research into what different companies support. While it's very difficult to separate everything that we buy, we can make some changes. Gillette had an ad campaign about "toxic masculinity", while in some ways it flopped, Gillette lost some money but the ad existed, and millions of young men saw it. And so it planted those poison seeds. An ad like this never should have been made and, it never should have made it past a network exec to get air time. Right now there are companies all over the world claiming that "white males" are the most dangerous people in the world. Coke launched an ad campaign touting be "less white".  I'm not in favor of organized boycotts, but please don't buy Coke products. Now what is sad here, I know already that there people who will read this, profess to be Christians, and still buy Coke with no thought of how racist or wrong this is.

If the church does nothing, or continues to be silent and complacent, then our country and most of the world will suffer under the hands of very evil people.