I think that the thing which is disappointing me the most in the past year is that pastors and religious leaders have shown themselves to be cowards.
In the face of a flu bug, they have allowed the government to dictate policy. I think of what Peter and John said when the religious politicians told them to stop preaching Jesus, we will follow God. I have seen people who lead worship, will sing of how God can move mountains yet He can't protect you from the flu? So you put a diaper on your face and re-breathe your own sweat and bacteria all day long thinking that it's safer. God made my body with a fully functioning immune system, Then He gave me instructions on what to eat in order to keep my body healthy. One of the best quotes I heard last year was, If you are so concerned about your health, put down the donut and lose 40 pounds. It's been said that people have stopped living for fear of dying, I say people have stopped living for fear of getting sick, or fear of being uncomfortable. This flu bug has a survival rate of 99%, what's really causing problems are the hospitals. Hospital protocols are what's killing people. I have lost 2 acquaintances this year (I don't say friends, I've found in the past few years that I have very few friends). And one man I know was hospitalized for nearly 8 months. I do not know what protocols they used in all cases, I do know that a ventilator was used in all cases and I also know that using ventilators caused permanent lung damage in 25% or more patients. I also know that there are therapeutics which are proven to aid in recovery. There are doctors across this country who have treated more than 20,000 patients with zero deaths. But those doctors are now working independently as hospitals and medical groups are firing doctors who actually treat patients. If you are a pastor or teacher, and you have EVER preached a sermon or lesson on how David slew Goliath, or how Rack Shack and Benny survived the fiery furnace, or Daniel in the lion's den, and you closed your church, then I call you a coward. There is the potential that the current illegitimate dictatorial government may again call for lock-downs, and the closing of "non-essential" places. I will say right now that the church where I attend will not close. While I still have a key, if there is a government mandate to close, I will open that building every night and even if I am alone, I'll play praise and worship music. We are in the greatest battle ever, it's God vs satan. God wins but a lot of people will be lost. It's time to choose sides.