Some days I feel like I'm talking to rocks, or people with their heads full of rocks. There is so much evidence of fraud in so many levels of our lives. Government fraud has for a long time been a running joke. Medical fraud is killing people as is religious fraud, but the latter is an eternal death. A scripture came to mind this morning, Moses is arguing with God. Neither want to claim Israel as "their" people. I also remembered that several times God calls Israel a "stiff-necked" people. That's the real problem in humanity, we are all a bit stiff-necked. It's not our sins that keep us separated from God, it's our pride and stiffness. It's the unwillingness to go to Him and say that I have sinned and I need You alone for salvation. Along the same lines, it's this stiffness and pride that keeps many from listening to other ideas. This past weekend I directly interacted with three different people, speaking about the current situation. I could see in their faces, as soon as I started speaking, they tuned me out. I will confess that a few years ago, I would say someone who believes what I believe now might be a bit off. But I've seen the evidence and I've asked the main question, why?
We are living in troubled times, Matthew 24 times. The hardest idea to communicate to anyone is that there is in fact a global group of people who control a large portion of the world's wealth who want to kill off 2-3 billion people. They even talk openly about it. Bill Gates did a TED talk and said that by using vaccines, we can reduce the population by 10 percent. The Youtube video was still up as of last week.
What if all of the news media were owned by a small group of people who wanted to control everything that you hear? This is actually true, and when I write all, I mean ALL. No network news company is independent, and it's all propaganda. The truth is available, but you must look for it. And you must be willing to accept that maybe the truth is not what you thought it was. To me that's been the most difficult. So many people I've met have been taught something and they stick to it like a religious cult. Interestingly enough, most of these are college graduates within the last 12 years. In the arena of medical fraud, we are conditioned to believe that doctors will "do no harm", but we forget one very basic principle concerning the nature of man. The lust for money is the root of all evil. When the pursuit of money becomes a man's god, there is noting that he will not do to acquire more. If you do some simple research, it's easy to see that the entire medical industry is not focused on health but profit. For that matter, every worldly industry is focused on profit.
There is a lot at stake today, we are involved in a global spiritual war, but even that is not as important as the individual. It's your soul, where do you want to spend eternity? Eventually everyone must choose a side and to do so you must bend that stiff neck. Jesus said that unless a man be born again he cannot be saved. I say that unless a man can overcome his stubbornness, he cannot be born again.