Thursday, August 26, 2021

How many deaths are too many?

I remember seeing a news story, actually more like an alt news story. Some real reporters asking questions.  They were in New York City and asked if it would be OK for 10,000 people to die if it would help to remove President Trump.Incredibly people were OK with this. To me it seems unbelievable but the hatred for President Trump has been fed by the fake media and socialist party with a lot of success. 

We are now more than a year and a half into the scamdemic. Depending on where one looks for death numbers, somewhere between 10,000 and 500,000 have died from COVID. Yet we know from hospital whistle blowers that the numbers are inflated, that people who were already hospitalized with terminal illnesses were listed as COVID. That anyone who died, if they tested positive on a PCR test (which cannot distinguish between covid, SARS 1, influenza 1 or 2, or a rhinovirus (common cold)) is listed as a COVID death. A lot of people have spent a lot of time and the numbers are probably closer to 15-20,000 in the past year and a half. Of course deaths from influenza pretty much disappeared last year. In 2017-2018 60,000 flu deaths were reported.

The total number of people who died in 2020, in all categories, is not significantly different than any other year in the past decade. If COVID was really killing people then we would see a difference.

What is really killing people are treatments. The current directed treatment is remdesivir and ventilators. Remdesivir never made it through the original clinical studies because it was causing organ failures. It still is doing the same, renal failure is very common. And ventilators are causing permanent lung damage. Statistically 30% of all patients who receive remdesivir have renal failure.

What really boggles my mind in all of this is the constant push for getting a "vaccine". By a simple definition, what is currently being administered is not a "vaccine". It will not prevent the recipient from contracting the disease, will not stop the recipient form spreading the disease, and needs to be supplemented every 6 months. Why? Can anyone tell me what this is actually supposed to do? 

This much we do know. The mRNA injection carries a coded message into the recipients cells. It then tells the cells to manufacture a synthetic protein spike. And this protein spike was not discovered from isolating or analyzing the virus. This protein spike is a computer generated sample from the lab in China. Something else that we do not know is how long the body will be a spike producing factory. Please do some real research and try to prove me wrong. And don't use google, that is owned by the deep-state. 

The thing which set me off this morning was a social media comment last night. There was a meme of a tattooed hand and statement of needing papers to go about regular activities. Someone said that one is about killing people and the other is not. My response is that more than 10,000 have already died from the injection, how many is too many?  They replied back that COVID has killed a lot more than 10,000. 

Never before has ANYTHING been allowed to kill so many people, and so many find it acceptable. 

Again I return to a scripture; The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you do not fear The Lord, then I feel there is no wisdom.