Several people have asked me about Vicki's mom so I want to post where we are and a bit on how we got here.
Vicki's mom, Carol, or just mom, had an upper respiratory infection around the middle of July. It progressed to bronchitis and then to pneumonia.
In the first week of August, mom was improving, then towards the end of that week she was getting worse. Vicki had an appointment scheduled for Aug 11th. On the 10th, Vicki called mom to check on her and was told the pulse-ox was reading 85 and 87. That's too low so Vicki did not want to wait till Wednesday and took mom to the hospital. Having previously heard of the standard protocols and what they actually do, I told Vicki no to allow remdesivir or a ventilator. Remdesivir is the standard drug of choice, it never passed it's clinical trials and is causing renal failure in 30% of all patients. (It's being used because of Fauci, go figure).
Since she was able to breathe and just needed a bit more oxygen, the hospital was told to only use a nasal cannula at 4-6 liters. IV vitamin c with zinc and antibiotics for a bacterial pneumonia. As soon as she went on supplemental O2, her pulse-ox was over 90. The hospitals will not allow anyone to visit in the room with patients being treated. Which really bothers me. How can anyone ensure that their loved ones are actually getting care? And even without a positive test, they wanted to treat it as covid. On Wednesday Vicki learned that they had given mom one dose of remdesivir. She told them very specifically do NOT give her any more. Her pulse-ox was remaining in the low to mid 90's. I credit that since Vicki is a nurse and knows how to talk to other medical folks, they actually listened to her. Also since she and her mom were persistent that they wanted mom to convalesce at home. Vicki called mom's doctor and had an O2 concentrator prescribed. On Thursday she told the hospital that she wanted mom discharged Friday, even if it was AMA, (against medical advice). Mom came home on Friday the 13th. Still having some breathing problems. Prescribed prednisone, levofloxacin, and an asthma inhaler. On supplemental O2 at 4 liters her pulse-ox was 95-97. On Monday, the 16th Vicki turned the O2 down to 3 liters, still holding pulse-ox above 95. Down to 2 liters on Thursday the 19, and on Monday August 23 mom was off the O2, breathing normal with pulse-ox at 95-97. Today is the 29th, I am typing this at mom's house. She is currently clearing out of date groceries from the pantry. So very thankful for the people who have shared what the standard covid treatments are doing.
There is a lot of evil in the world, sometimes it's difficult to accept that people who are supposed to help us either don't care or want to do harm. The best things we can do is be educated. There is a great resource at There are also doctors listed who will prescribe the CDC and FDA prohibited therapeutics. I encourage people to reach out to these doctors. Get a supply before you contract the bug. There is also the Zelenski protocol. Vitamins and supplements to boost the immune system.